Spread the Light
March 31, 2019
Anticipating Advent Collage-A-Day Practice
November 24, 2019Have you heard of #the100dayproject?
From #the100dayproject website: #The100DayProject is a free art project that takes place online. Every spring, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of exploring their creativity. Anyone can join. The idea is simple: choose a project, do it every day for 100 days, and share your process on Instagram with the hashtag #The100DayProject.
It was started by Lindsay Jean Thomsan six years ago, but this was my first year participating. If you follow my work, you know that I am no stranger to daily, weekly, monthly, yearly practice. So when I decided to participate, I wanted to try something different. I knew I did not want to make collages or letterpress cards. Instead, I chose to explore a drawing practice I began to develop last year. The key element: it needed to be portable. I live a very fluid life. From January-May 2018 I slept in different beds (hotels, AirBnBs, friends homes, families homes, etc.) more than I slept in my own. While 2019 hasn’t been quite as fluid, it’s pretty damn close. With this kind of a life, how does one maintain an artistic practice that is not just diaristic?
Last summer I traveled to northern California for a few days. I wanted to create something during my travels that went beyond diary writing and drawing. I combine map, memory, and observation with the figure. I continued making these figure drawings woven with landscape and observation when traveling to Ecuador in January. I like making these stencil figure drawings so much I decided to work on one everyday for #the100dayproject My goal was to create 20 by the end of the 100 days. I ended up creating 25. Pictured here are all of the drawings I’ve made from the initial California and Ecuador ones to the 25 made during #the100dayproject plus one more.
If you are interested in seeing them in more detail, be sure to follow me on Instagram where I am posting all of them with a bit more detail over the next couple of days. During the actual run of #the100dayproject, I posted my progress in my daily story. You can see that progression in my story highlights!