The 50 Card Project Opening and Thank You!
February 7, 2018
Book Arts Bazaar, Portland, ME, THIS WEEKEND!
April 3, 2018This is the last weekend to see The 50 Card Project at MCLA’s Gallery 51. (March 23-25, 2018), North Adams, MA. Hours 10 am-6 pm Monday-Saturday, 12-4 pm Sunday.
Thanks to Heather Kapplow for her review of the exhibit on Delicious Line. I love how she describes the project as ” a portfolio of handmade, limited edition micro-protest pieces.”
If by chance you didn’t get to see the exhibit and won’t make it before it closes, the book of the project is now available and will give you a similar experience as seeing the exhibit, but in the comfort of your own home or office. The book consists of all the cards along with the description of what was happening that week/what inspired the card–essentially the same information that accompanies each image in the exhibit. You can order the book here.
There are still a very limited number of complete sets available. You can order them with the custom-made enclosure, or without. They are now in the special collections of the following institutions: The Cleveland Institute of Art, Yale University, Williams College and Ohio University. Maybe you are next!