The 50 Card Project: Week Eleven Update
April 3, 2017
25 weeks or the halfway point of The 50 Card Project
July 12, 2017
One of the challenges of this project is choosing. For example, last week Republicans chose the nuclear option as a way to get their supreme court nominee passed, Trump authorized bombing of Syria, Devin Nunes steps aside, Bannon is banned and Jared Kushnar seems to be everywhere.
I chose to respond to the nuclear option as I counted the votes here and began reading articles about bipartisanship and partisanship. I started with this piece on Politico, and something from Harpers. It sparked an interest in primary documents written by Washington, Adams and Franklin and led to me reading sections of the Founder’s Constitution.
The Founder’s Constitution is Hailed as “the Oxford English Dictionary of American constitutional history,” the print edition of The Founders’ Constitution has proved since its publication in 1986 to be an invaluable aid to all those seeking a deeper understanding of one of our nation’s most important legal documents.
I wanted to reflect back to the founding documents and thinking behind the practices of Congress, the Presidency and the judicial system. Reading from the pages of John Adams ignited even more interest, and a desire to stop everything I am supposed to be doing right now and read and think.
1 Comment
John Adams – a favorite of mine –
You chose a brilliant quote to illuminate!
“Without … humility, patience, and moderation …
every person in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey.”