December 23, 2017Feed Your Soul, 12.23.17How to foster peace in the world, especially in the most challenging and difficult situations? I certainly do not have that answer. But, this quote from […]
December 20, 2017Time and money, December 20, 2017If time is money, do you live beyond your means? A few years ago I participated in a project organized by ILSSA, a collaborative of which […]
December 15, 2017What’s Past is Prologue, December 15, 2017Today is the the 48th week of my 50 Card Project, the 15th day of my Advent Calendar project and the 349th day of my 2017 […]
December 5, 2017What survives, December 5, 2017As part of my Advent practice, I enjoy receiving and reading posts from other writers and artists who join me in this daily observation. My friend […]
December 11, 2016Be. Just be.One of the best parts of waiting, when I can be with the waiting is exactly that: an opportunity to be. I remember times stuck in a […]
December 9, 2012Advent DaysMy Advent collages have taken a very specific direction. (I’ll get to that in a minute.) I created rules for the collages, like I often do […]