Happy Birthday Corita Kent!
November 20, 2014
Start Anyway
December 1, 2014In a little over a week, I will begin my third annual daily Advent practice where I make a 5×5 inch collage and then write a short reflection/blog post inspired by the collage or vice-versa. Read more about it in this article Create_your_own_Advent_calendar and this one Advent_calendars_repurposed. I post each collage to Instagram and the subsequent blog post to Facebook. Follow me at either one of those places, or subscribe to this blog by clicking on the link to the right.
To prepare, I have cleaned my studio, accessing what supplies I need. See that tiny little pathetic glue stick. That is the only glue stick I have. How is that possible? And it’s not even a good glue stick. I typically only use Uhu glue sticks. I will be buying a few of those this week.
I’ve also inventoried the collages of the past two years. Many from 2012 have sold. Many of the remaining ones from 2012 and 2013 will be on sale beginning December 4th at MCLA Gallery 51’s Art to Go Exhibit, the annual 99cent and up art sale. Some of my collages will be available for bargain prices! Come to the show to see for yourself.
Can’t make it to the show? Take a look at my daily practice page. If you see one you like, contact me and I can tell you more. Please note, not all of the collages are for sale.
I’m looking forward to this third edition of this practice. I look forward to having you join me along the way with your own special way of honoring this season. Please share your stories!