Come Alive 12.10.18
December 10, 2018
Cross the divide 12.12.18
December 12, 2018Our lives are about to change today.
Maybe I’m using a little hyperbole, maybe not.
About a month ago, my best friend’s husband had what is now referred to as “the incident.” He experienced a severe asthma attack that resulted in respiratory failure. They live in the Marshall Islands, and she happened to be more than a 24-hour journey away on another island. Thanks to the help and care of countless people, he survived this trauma. As a result, a number of changes needed to happen immediately to their living environment, including finding a home for their two cats. Doug and I’ve been talking about getting a friend for Oscar, our cat, for a number of years. So I flippantly said, “if we were closer I would totally take them.” After a series of conversations, it became clear that a home for both of them on Majuro was unlikely and was I really serious about saying I would take them. Apparently I was.
I leave in about five hours to head to Bradley International Airport to pick-up these two little fur balls. They left the Marshalls around 5 pm EST Sunday. They had a layover in Honolulu before arriving in Chicago where they are right this second.
Today’s collage uses a paper demonstrating a gesso transfer and blackout poetry that I made this summer. Coincidentally, it uses a section from an old encyclopedia about the Carolina Islands which are located west of the Marshalls. It seems like a message to me right now.
Wish us luck welcoming these new little loveys into our home!
Today’s Prompt:
Find an experimental paper, something where you tried a new technique or just played with pens, pencils, whatever. Use it as is, cut it up, weave it, add other elements. You decide.
Everyday through December 25th, I’ll be making a 5×5 inch collage, writing a short entry on this blog and sharing a prompt for those who might want to participate along with me. You can follow my progress by subscribing to this blog through the sidebar on the blog homepage, or by following me on Instagram.
Wow Melanie – all the best with the new additions to the family! Yes, I’d say things are definitely going to change – but that’s what life’s about…yes? Whatever happens, it will be a trip!
So true, so true. And so far, it’s been pretty great to have these little gals in our life. And day by day they are getting comfortable with Oscar and Oscar with them. The adventures of life!
To be such an intimate part of one of your collages is a beautiful things! It’s been a while since the cats arrived and it’s been amazing to see how wonderfully they have transitioned to loving you – and you, them!
And I love them even more everyday! Thank you for trusting me with them!