All 50 Cards and answers to your questions!
January 13, 2018
The 50 Card Project Opening and Thank You!
February 7, 2018This Saturday is the year anniversary of the inauguration of Donald Trump to the United States Presidency and the start of The 50 Card Project. Join me and thousands of people all over the country and the world in some kind of action. Go to a march. Make some art. Join me in the Bowman PRESS letterpress studio and art lab to create postcards and posters with positive messages depicting an issue you care about.
Collage • Stencils • Stamps• letterpress printing and other materials provided!
12-4 pm. Bowman Hall 303. Saturday, 1.20.18. Check out our Facebook Invite for details!
Hi Melanie, would you supply a more complete address for the event? What city & zip code? Thank you!
Yes, of course! Bowman Hall 303, 55 Montana Street, North Adams, MA 01247. Please come!