Advent Day Ten
December 10, 2013
Advent Day Twelve
December 12, 2013Today’s collage started as another collage. Maybe you know what that is like–you begin something and then another completely different idea works it’s way into your view and you realize that you want to pursue THAT idea. Here you can see both collages that I continued to work simultaneously until I found a piece of dictionary paper that made me choose the collage on the right to finish today. As I write this, I am waiting for the ink on the bird to dry. This bird can be seen in a lot of my work, including a great line-up of pieces that adorn the entry way to Images Cinema in Williamstown right now. If you want to see more of what I have made today, check out that exhibit.
The piece of paper that directed my energy? A strip of dictionary paper with all the definitions of quickly–and pairing that with another piece of text: slow down and wait until the time is right. Now I’m thinking about adding little dots, but I need to think about it a bit more, I’m taking the advice of that piece of text! Where do you need to slow down and wait until the time is right? Can you do that today?
Related, I want to live my life more like how Alice Walker writes–
She was someone who could not be rushed. That seems like a small thing. But is is actually a very amazing quality, a very ancient one…She wen about her business as if she could live forever, and forever was a very long time.
I’ve always been so focused– a carrot chaser in life. This concept is one, now that I’m almost 50, I’m finally fully appreciating and yet still struggle to incorporate in my life. And yes, Alice Walker is a great example of someone who finds joy in the words and process, and that is what slows us down.
Yes, oh dotty and birdy one, I can slow down. Reading this slows me right down. Perfect. Thank you. xo S