March 29, 2014
The Scrap Bag Challenge
April 5, 2014Do you ever drag your feet when approaching a really big project? I am currently doing this. I have three big projects on my plate right now, and for whatever reason, I can’t seem to make any actual progress with them. Am I afraid of failure?
In times like this, I often turn to my friend Rilke, who wrote this to Countess Margot Sizzo-Noris-Crouy on April 12, 1923:
The person who has not, in a moment of firm resolve, accepted–yes even rejoiced in–what has struck him with terror–he has never taken possession of the full, ineffable power of our existence. He withdraws to the edge; when things play out, he will be neither alive nor dead. We must discover the unity of dread and bliss, two faces of the same divinity (indeed, they reveal themselves as a single face that presents itself differently according to the way in which we see it.)
I needed to read this today. As a matter of fact, I AM avoiding a big project out of fear. Thank you.
I totally understand. I made this collage because someone suggested to me that I was avoiding something out of fear…and it made me really think long and hard about it. Feel the fear and do it anyway, right? Good luck Julie, hope your project goes well.