Getting ready for SGCI in Knoxville
March 17, 2015
Book Arts Bazaar–Portland, ME
April 11, 2015
Prints in Peculiar Places was a series of special “printstallations” that took place during the 2015 “Sphere” Southern Graphics Council International conference. Working with the City of Knoxville, the KCDC Public Building Authority, the L&N STEM Academy and various private business owners, the “Sphere” organizing committee have identified a series of locations where printworks were installed during the week of the conference.
My paper words project was chosen to be part of this special installation project and as part of it, I made eight new words with the help of three of my students from MCLA. Here are some pictures of the installation. I will be hanging the words again in two weeks as part of Art Along the River, a project of the Hoosic River Watershed Association in Williamstown, the weekend of April 18-19.
How wonderful!! My niece is an artist in the Knoxville area. I’ll have to ask her about this.
Julie–it was only up for about three days during the SGCI conference. Hopefully she knew about that and was able to see it!
Yay! Oh it looks great! Congrats!
I’m completely enchanted by this concept–the way the white words glow against the dark bark, and the interruption in the visual environment. Does the (handmade?) paper eventually decompose from the weather or do you have to take the text down eventually? Did you sew the strings into the text? I love how they squiggle against the pavement like delicately drawn lines.
[…] Tree at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, where she is a professor. She recently exhibited Paper Words during the 2015 “Sphere” Southern Graphics Council International conference in Knoxville, TN. […]
[…] for a public place with trees; a collaboration between printmaker and letterpress artist Melanie Mowinski and myself, acting as poet and creative […]
[…] for a public place with trees; a collaboration between printmaker and letterpress artist Melanie Mowinskiand myself, acting as poet and creative […]