Translation 12.4.18
December 4, 2018
Love dares you 12.6.18
December 6, 2018The wound is the place where the Light enters you. -Rumi
Building on yesterday’s writing, I invite you to contemplate how the light has entered you through pressure, wounds and trauma.
Today’s Prompt:
Incorporate stitching, either through actual stitching with a thread and a needle, or implied stitching with various hashmarks and lines.
Everyday through December 25th, I’ll be making a 5×5 inch collage, writing a short entry on this blog and sharing a prompt for those who might want to participate along with me. You can follow my progress by subscribing to this blog through the sidebar on the blog homepage, or by following me on Instagram.
1 Comment
Simply phrased but an excellent reminder of the small gifts that often accompany deep hurts.