Let’s have a peace race
December 17, 2016
Present moment, wonderful moment
December 19, 2016Every Sunday papermaker Helen Hiebert writes a weekly blog post highlighting some of her paper finds from all over the world, called The Sunday Paper. She features artists, exhibits, products and how-to’s. During Advent, she focuses on 25 Days of Paper–continuing to spotlight the love of paper that she shares with so many of us. These posts bring many unknown paper makes and ideas to me that I may have never discovered before. Recently she featured paste paper artist Madeleine Durham who creates designs using a brush technique she has been perfecting over the last four years. Today’s collage has some of my own paste papers included in it. I love making and teaching others how to make paste papers. If you haven’t done it, this is a great book that will guide you through the process.
Today’s Assignment:
- If you have some paste papers, make a monochromatic collage using some of your scraps.
- Add an accent to it that is either a complimentary color, or one close to being a complement.
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[…] of your cuttings of previous collages. For example, in today’s collage I used the remains from yesterday’s Buddha. In fact, I nearly see them as a […]