Coming to Be–Awaken
March 20, 2014
March 29, 2014Zen Buddhists call this Shoshin, meaning beginner’s mind. It’s easy to forget how to do this when one becomes an “expert” at what they do. This particular card developed from a conversation during an open house at MCLA for prospective students. One student inquired about whether she could skip the intro classes because she felt like she was an advanced student and wanted to jump into the “real” classes. She’s clearly excited about learning and desires to be the best she can possibly be–but maybe not quite ready to go back to the basics.
This card is also for me. I sometimes get caught up in the planning and control of a project–unable to play and experiment. I want to be willing to try something new, to go back to the basics, to review, to reframe my understanding of something, to be open to doing something differently. This relates to my process as an artist, and as a teacher. What about you?
What can you be open to?
1 Comment
Such a good thought and I love the visual to go with it. Yes, staying rooted in the beginning is the best way to form a solid foundation.